Friday, October 24, 2008

Shopping in Ubud

After getting a civilized amount of coffee into me (and a beautiful breakfast served on my balcony), the hotel dropped me off into Ubud, 10 minute's drive north. Shops, warung (restaurants), more shops. All cheek-to-cheek on Monkey Forest Road,

DSC_0127 Hanuman road, Jaya road. Very interesting! and layers and layers of detail in many of these places. An enormous amount of handcrafting in the buildings themselves, and of course in the wares being sold.

Also an enormous amount of competition. It seems as if  you don't have anything better to do you call yourself a taxi driver. In Ubud I'm asked every 30 feet if I need a taxi. Your average guy must get a fare about once every two weeks. At least they're friendly, the people are great.

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