Sunday, February 26, 2006

That's a wrap!

Our last production of The Magic Flute was last night. It's always a touch sad to close a show, but we weren't as deeply involved as usual. And we DEFINITELY won't miss the pancake blue makeup.

I've posted my backstage photos to

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Zauberflote In Performance!

We're about to head out to our second performance of Mozart's "The Magic Flute" (Die Zauberflote) with The Dallas Opera. It's icy and cold in Dallas, but I know it's not as cold as regions farther north.

The makeup and costumes are quite fantastic for this production; even though we're only on stage for a minute and a half, it takes us about 40 minutes to get into costumes and makeup, and about the same amount of time to get out. I've posted some photos of the costumes, with more to come.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Rehearsals start at the Karyanis Rehearsal Production Center (mercifully known as the KRPC) where we stand around in a large room, marked up with tape on the floor to indicate the eventual location of the sets. We've just finished our tenure there for this production, and the other night moved to to the Music Hall to continue putting it together.

This is my shortest time on stage in my entire super career (on and off for 22 years) - a minute and a half! The only reason we're there is because the the four athletic* choristers who are supposed to carry Monistatos offstage found him too heavy!

*That's sarcasm.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blue Super Group

Good news! I've found my travel journal in the mess that is our house, so I can slowly continue to write the world's most drawn-out travelogue.

Further good news (though it depends on when you ask me)! Connor and I were asked at the last moment to do some supernumerary (i.e. "extra") work for The Dallas Opera's production of The Magic Flute. I've been supering on and off the the Opera since 1984, when I was The Dragon in Wagner's Siegfried. Now, however, I have my 5' 4" 12-year old along with me - something I would have never predicted back in the 80's. He's only moderately interested in the actual opera; he's in it for the money. Which, though barely paying for gas as an adult, is pretty good for a kid! My hope is that a love for performing and the arts insinuates itself beneath his radar. I do think it's working.

The work looks pretty easy so far, with one exception. We're going to be slaves...and they're going to paint us BLUE. That's right, Blue Super Group.