Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Everywhere I've been in Bali (except the rice fields), there's a light scenting of incense. This is because the Balinese make offerings DSC_0074 everywhere: Doorways of homes, restaurants, shops, all kinds of places. These are usually simple straw and incense affairs, with rice or another simple food as the offering.

I need to be making my offerings, too, to Dr. Blake Bolin and his prescription of Levaquin. I'm sure it's saved me from "Bali Belly" more than once. I remember fervently thinking this when Dewa  Rai offered me the water from a fresh-cut coconut in front of the cow shed near his father's house.Cow Barn

I also have a nifty sterilizer pen which sanitizes clear water of unknown purity...but it's the meds that have allowed me to feast without being too worried.

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