Tuesday, April 19, 2005

San Francisco

I'm in San Francisco this week to speak at the spring Windows Connections conference, and as usual it's been a nice time. I've been doing this conference for a number of years now, and I regard my fellow presenters also as my friends. Since I work out of my house, I don't go out with my co-workers; they're spread out all over the world. I seem to do a good job making up for it at these conferences because I end up doing happy hour every night with my friends.

I flew into town on Sunday afternoon, after an hour delay due to a mechanical problem. It didn't bother me at all, because I was having a great conversation with my seatmate. I never usually talk to my seatmates, but we happened to hit it off right away. She's Laura Werlin, a cookbook writer and expert on American artisanal cheeses. We had a great conversation, and she ended up giving me a ride to the hotel from the airport and signed one of her books for me. It's the people you meet when traveling that make it interesting.

My first talk on AD security seemed to go pretty well, though I'm not as comfortable with it as I am other areas. Today I'm giving one on Windows 2003 command line tools, tonight there's some kind of cruise on the bay, and tomorrow morning I'm giving a talk on ADPREP for Windows 2003.

The weather's been great here, so I've been trying to get out whenever I can...and there's a Peet's coffeehouse across the street right on the bay. What more can you ask for?

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