Monday, May 03, 2010

A Day In Vancouver

I’m working up in Seattle this week, and a big company meeting on Friday had me stay over the weekend. My plans for Saturday collapsed late Friday night, leaving me wondering what to do with a rare opportunity. When left with free time, interesting places to explore, and a rental car, I usually dash out of time. Last  time I did this I ended up in Chamonix, France.

Saturday it was Vancouver. It’s only about two hours away in good traffic, and so I was able to get up there, swing by the local Mountain Equipment Coop (the Canadian equivalent of REI) for a daypack for my stuff, and knock around for the afternoon. I didn’t get much beyond a little of Yaletown, Granville Island, and a trip around Stanley Park, but it was a good recon trip for further explorations. Central Vancouver, anywhere near the water – what a city of high-rises! Photos and a video of the day are here.

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