Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Just saw that my friend Joe has commented on an article by  another friend Joshua about a killer file copy utility called RichCopy. It certainly looks like the successor to the ubiquitous RoboCopy, and far more.

One of my great failings in life – besides not investing in Starbucks in the early 90’s when I did understand the value of a latte – is I never got around to writing a GUI for Robocopy, which is a command line utility. Derk Benisch of Microsoft finally did, and Josh mentions that his article on it has been viewed more than 220,000 times. <sigh> Fame and fortune continue to elude me :). So it’s a pleasure to see this integrated, GUI-based, multithreaded utility available to us all. Tell your admin friends!



Anonymous said...

Hey Sean... I may be misreading what you wrote but that article is primarily about RichCopy which was written by Ken Tamaru back in 2001 and has slowly evolved to what they publicly released and is announced in that article.

RichCopy is NOT a wrapper for robocopy.

Sean said...

Oops! You're absolutely right. RichCopy is NOT just a fancied-up Robocopy; it's a new, more fully-featured copy utility. Thanks for pointing this out.

Shows that I copy edit my blog entries but don't really read them closely :-}

Chad Clemons said...

Hey Sean! How's life on the outside? :)

Wow, this is nice. In a former life I used to hack around a lot with robocopy...wrote some pretty nifty batch files (yeah, batch files) around robocopy. Could have used this utility. Ahh, but that was at least a couple jobs and years ago. Good times.
