Thursday, December 11, 2008

Microsoft reveals its plans for the next generation data center

...and it's way bigger than most of us are used to thinking. Have you ever stopped to consider the amount of computing power that goes behind these online search, blogging, and services that are becoming more and more of a part of our virtual landscape? I have, because I've been lucky enough to be working with Microsoft's Global Foundation Services Active Directory team. This sort of thing redefines the term "big". And not only big - highly flexible, with the ability very quickly add or remove hundreds or thousands of servers. What's not being talked about right now is how the software infrastructure (like Active Directory) must be designed to cope with this new way of "industrial scale IT". I hope to be able to shed a little light on this soon.

Here's a video about their Generation 4.0 data centers. Note in the European data center there isn't a roof!

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