Saturday, September 13, 2008

VWS is both stupid and smart at the same time

I use Virtual Weather Station to upload weather station data to the imageweb. It's obviously a home-grown program that's had various features bolted on, one after another. (I'm running version 13 and 14 is out.) I've wasted too many hours of the last 24 trying to get the page  uploads to work correctly, and just about given up. Now mysteriously (the default home page) is updating correctly and showing the correct location information...I have no idea why. So use that if you're looking.

At the same time, VWS does a great job collecting both weather station and Weather Underground data, posting, and displaying them.

And don't get me started on the Oregon Scientific weather station's RS232 serial port to communicate with the PC. When's the last time anyone used an RS232 port?

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1 comment: said...

I agree. VWS is the dumbest application in the marketplace. I have been a user for three years and still get confused about the most routine setting change. Plus, it loads my CPU at 15% every second of every day. What a dog! Check out my work at