Thursday, November 29, 2007

A little post trip discovery is always interesting

I was nosing around, looking for some other GC photos and references to GC features so I can get them right in my captions - which of those rock spires is Vishnu Temple, and which is Zoroaster

Temple? - when I came across the photos pages of Susanne Riehemann. She's taken some gorgeous photos of the Canyon (among many other places), from below the rim, at

If you've ever been to Maricopa, or Powell, or Hopi point, you know they're very distinctive and stick out quite a bit. Susanne's photo from the Tonto Plateau shows you just how much they really do jut out from the rim. I took a photo of my wife on our honeymoon from the very tip of Powell Point (I don't think I could wrench myself out there any more), and always wondered what the drop was like.

Now I know! Fall 350 feet past the Kaibab, bounce off the Toroweap, fall another 350 feet past the Coconino, tumble down the Hermit / Supai, take the long fall 450 feet past the Redwall, tumble down the Muav Limestone until coming to "rest" on the Bright Angel Shale of the Tonto Plateau. Ouch!

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